Alexander C. Cornelius


Mindwaves 3 (c-blue)     acryl on canvas    50 x 200 cm    2017

For more than 25 years, Alexander C. Cornelius explores the boundaries of modern painting. Complexity and the use of metallic colors are important constants in his work. The paintings are full of little details and hidden secrets, which are difficult to find in a decrease. The metallic colors - silver and gold, for example - always look pale in pictures or screens and act more like grey or beige. Therefore it is necessary to see the original artworks with your own eyes, to be touched by Cornelius' extravagant style and truly understand his vision.



Monopoly MAZE Abstract Collages
Symbols BrandsI BrandsII Selected

Alexander C. Cornelius at his exhibition WILD MIX   - 25.9.2013